Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Maybe Someday Dreams

I have a collection of maybe someday dreams in my head.  Substantial, hefty sort of dreams - they’ll require me to be more than who I am now.  Like, maybe someday I’ll be a children’s book author.  Or, maybe someday I’ll climb Mount Rainier. 

This past October, I was really caught up in God answering my prayer for marriage.  In the midst of those fervent prayers, God plopped a huge YES in my lap.  Not to marriage, but to a big maybe someday dream.  I’m going to Africa to train teachers.  Next month. 


It’s true.  I feel like I may as well be going to Mars, this was so off my radar of expectations.  I love teaching and have never seen myself being based solely in the classroom for my whole career.  As the years pass, I’ve thought more about training teachers, especially women in countries where opportunities are not as plentiful as they are for men.  I’ve been learning more about leadership and taken on more responsibility at work, but I still thought training teachers overseas was a long ways off for me.  Now, it’s 3 weeks away.

How did it happen?  Last spring, Uganda kept coming up in my life.  My Mom gave me Katie Davis’s book, people sent me articles about the country, and it often came up in conversation.  I figured God was trying to tell me something, so I reached out to some contacts and looked into spending last summer in Uganda.  Nothing panned out.

In October, my friend Tembi and I were praying about our big visions for God, and I mentioned how Uganda seemed significant somehow.  I’ve never been to Africa and I wasn’t sure geographically where Uganda was located, nor the name of any Ugandan city.  But, there was something about Uganda.  

We prayed, and Tembi had a realization. 

“Hey!  My cousin has a school in Uganda!”

Yes, she does.  I met with Tembi’s cousin and my heart to serve teachers fits what her school needs right now.  Amazing.

Since then, door after door has opened and I am meeting new people with Uganda connections, one after another.  It looks like this will be more than a one-time visit.  I’m going to Uganda for two and a half weeks in February, with hopes of spending next summer doing more work there.  The goal of this first trip is to listen, learn, and offer support as God leads me.  I have no idea what I’m getting into, but I am excited to take the next step.

Here’s one simple example of my current ignorance: I asked about bringing contact lenses – would it be worth it, or is it too dusty in the village?  Tembi’s cousin reassured me, “Oh, we’ll mark our jerry can of water really well, so we’ll have clean water.”   Okay.  Our water comes from a can, after we get it from the well.  “And bring something to wear when we walk down to the shower.”  Okay.  We walk to the shower, which isn’t a shower at all, but those same trusty cans and a cup for splashing oneself.

It’s going to be awesome. 

Would you come with me?  Would you travel with me through prayers and encouragement? 

Please pray into what God is doing and will do through these steps towards what He’s revealed.  Please pray for Uganda, for the Ebenezer school and its community, pray for our safety (four ladies traveling together), pray for divine appointments.  Pray for my heart to be content in waiting for the day when I can adopt a precious child of my own (another maybe someday dream!).  Would you send me verses and encouraging words?

I’ll post stories, most likely when I return in March.  Thank you for joining me in the maybe someday that has become a yes, okay, right now, go for it.  

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