Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Losing Sleep For Babies

One of my best friends has a brand new baby boy.  Today, I got to hear his tiny newborn cry as we spoke on the phone.  I have a one year old and I already need reminders of how it is at the start.   It’s been a while since I was getting up every two or three hours like my friend is, to feed her little son.  I’ve always hated that part of having a newborn; the surrendered sleep.  It was always a huge feat of will to get up from a dead sleep and sit in a chair nursing at 2am…then  4:30am…  But, I did it.  And of course, the reasons for losing sleep far outweighed a choice to keep sleeping.  My babies couldn’t feed themselves or care for their illnesses.  Their vulnerability was in my hands.  That’s God’s good design for parents.  Not super easy, but definitely super good.

Tonight, I am staying up to advocate for other vulnerable babies.  I am overcome with grief over the heightened debate on abortion.  No matter how I try to understand, I cannot see the issue as anything other than taking the lives of unborn children who cannot speak for themselves.  When I heard my own babies crying, I could choose to go back to sleep and ignore their needs or I could choose to get up and care for them.  Tonight, I am praying for and writing for babies I can’t see or name, but whose lives and needs matter greatly to me.    

Proverbs 31:8 (NKJV)  Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die.

 Psalm 10:17 & 18  (CEB)  Lord, you listen to the desires of those who suffer.  You steady their hearts; you listen closely to them, to establish justice for the orphan and the oppressed, so that the people of the land will never again be terrified.

To all unborn children:
                You are loved.  You are wanted.  Your life has a powerful plan and purpose because God is your first and foremost Creator.  I bless your every cell, every heartbeat, every thought, every movement and I celebrate your amazing life.

To the child I hope to adopt someday:
                I have been praying for you even since I was single with no kids.   I pray for your biological mom and dad too.  They are special to me because, no matter what the circumstances, they made my son or daughter.  I’m grateful for that and pray so much peace, joy, and healing over all aspects of this.

To women, mothers, men, fathers:
                You are loved.  Your body and your lives are precious.  I serve a God who works all things for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).  God sees you and has way more power than we give Him credit for.  There is life in Him for everyone involved in this scenario.  I don’t know the answers for your specific questions, but I know a God who does.  Let’s let Him be in charge of life.

I have two friends who, in prenatal appointments, discovered significant health issues in their babies and were counseled to terminate their pregnancies.  Both mothers were faced with a real life choice about how to walk out their beliefs.  They chose life and I respect the heck out of them.  I cannot even imagine that journey and all that was involved.  One had to say goodbye to her daughter shortly after her birth.  The other got to raise her son until he went to be with Jesus at age 11.  I don’t believe either regrets their decision to ignore the doctor’s suggestion, despite the hardships and heart pain they endured. 

Caring for and about babies involves a lot of sacrifice.  More than the few hours of sleep I’m losing tonight by writing, I fear the potential relationships lost because I’m speaking up about something controversial.  I know and love many who see this issue differently than I do.  I wrote this because I needed to speak.  With that, I am also ready to listen.   I would rather look at your face and listen to your heart on this matter than read a comment, for or against.  Thank you for reading these words of mine.