Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Slow Down

“When your world moves too fast
and you lose yourself in the chaos,

introduce yourself
to each color of the sunset.
Reacquaint yourself with the earth
beneath your feet.
Thank the air that surrounds you
with every breath you take.
Find yourself in the appreciation of life.”
                             -Christy Ann Martine

Every Tuesday, I attend a group called Mom2Mom.  We watch a video on mothering and then break into small groups to discuss the material with mentor moms.  I love the group and have built friendships that are deeply supportive.  A couple of weeks ago, the video came on and the speaker said something to the effect of, “Have you ever felt like all you ever wanted was to be a mom, but now that you’re there, there are some days when you hate your life?”  My throat clenched up and tears sprung to my eyes.  I clasped my hands together under the table and thought, ‘Don’t cry right now.  Don’t cry.  Just listen.’

It’s probably not a coincidence that God brought up the very thing with which I’ve been struggling.  The ideas shared in the lesson were valuable, but more than that, I felt understood.  Surely if this video speaker made it her topic, many other moms have also struggled with this at some point.

This Friday is our fifth wedding anniversary.  In those five years, I moved to a new town, got a new job, got married, stopped working, and had two little boys.  It’s everything I ever prayed for AND it’s been a lot.  I’m grateful beyond words AND there are days when I feel completely overwhelmed.

God is really helping me and I want to give Him praise by sharing how.  He gave me two powerful words:

Slow down.

In the past two weeks, I have meditated on those words again and again.  I’m blown away by how God is using that message to breathe life into my mothering days.  The grace of it all is, I haven’t been working on yelling less or not being stressed out.  As I slow down, situation by situation, I’m finding I don’t need to flip out.  The kids who are still my loud, active, mess-creators are turning out to be the very sources of my long-lost joy. 

Here are three specific little story-examples:

*I need to prep dinner.  If I focus, I can crank it out in 20 minutes.  Big brother pulls up his stool to help.  Little brother is close behind with his own stool.  Not what I’d planned. 

Slow down...
I have them wash their hands.  The boys take turns picking basil off our little windowsill plant to make pesto.  They laugh while whacking the chicken with a tenderizing mallet.  Little brother loses interest and wanders off; big brother stays and finishes making the whole meal with me.  We bond as we work and later, he’s proud instead of picky when dinner is served.

*I’m settled on my bed, reading during the boys’ nap time.  All is quiet.  My favorite.  Big brother does not rest very long and wakes up crabby and crying.  I’m frustrated that my quiet time is gone.

Slow down...

I invite him to lie on the bed next to me.  I tell him I’m still resting and reading.  He’s welcome to lie quietly or go downstairs and play by himself.  He wants to be close, so he snuggles against me and soon falls asleep.  I end up putting my book down to just look at him.  As he gets older, it’s rare to be near him while he sleeps.  I notice his rosy cheeks, his masculine brow like his daddy’s, his small hand on my arm, the faint smell of his shampoo.  I’m overcome with gratitude and tell God how I feel.  I’m refreshed.

*My back is bothering me lately and I can’t carry Little brother like I used to.  We are usually running late and then have to walk at a one and a half year old’s pace. 

Slow down...

We talk about the trees changing colors.  Big brother pauses to ask a homeless man a couple of questions about the man’s truck.  We arrive late, but happy, having savored the beautiful fall day.

Mothering is still a big, never-ending, overwhelming job.  As I slow down, God is giving me the amazing gift of loving this life.  He gives good gifts and He is teaching me how to enjoy all He’s given.