Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Mom Traits: FAITH


For Mother’s Day this year, I’m writing a series of five short pieces.  Each will highlight one of my mom’s traits that I respect, love, and (hopefully) can embody in my life.


The shadow that accompanies this tribute is my mom’s dementia.  She’s not so far down that road, but there is still the terrible reality of progressively losing her.  I find myself clinging to who she is now, just in case that part of her slips away by the time I see her again.  It’s comforting to celebrate her through writing.  I hope you are reading this, Mom, and are affirmed in your value as God’s creation and ….. as my wonderful Mama!



Mom Trait #1:  Faith

Many years ago, a Taco Bell burned down and my mom’s co-workers thought she had something to do with it.  She does love a good fire, but it was her prayers that made them point fingers.  You see, my mom is vocal about her faith.  At work, if someone cursed and said, “Jesus Christ!”, she’d call out, “Praise His holy name!”  She told people that every time she drove past a certain strip joint, she prayed that it would close down.  So, when the Taco Bell next door to the strip joint caught fire, her co-workers joked and said, “Hey Denise!  God missed!”


No matter how much people have teased my mom for her bold faith, she is the one people turn to for prayer and reassurance when a life crisis hits.  People are drawn to God’s light in her.   


My mom is great at listening to the Holy Spirit and acting on what she perceives.  She doesn’t drive anymore because the dementia makes things disorienting.  So, part of her daily routine for getting out of the house is one – sometimes two – long neighborhood walks.    Just a few weeks ago, my mom was walking and stopped to say hi to another walker and their dog.  As my mom pet the little dog, she chatted a bit and noticed the woman had been crying.  It turned out that the woman was living with her adult children and things weren’t going well.  They kind of pushed her to go on that walk because they wanted some space from her.  My mom was able to speak life-giving, faith-filled words of encouragement.  She reminded the woman of God’s love for her and gave her a big hug.  When my mom told me this story, she said it made her feel like God still has a purpose for her life.   Even as a mostly homebound woman with memory loss, she was able to be used by God.


I love my mom’s faith and how she’s never shy about sharing it with others.  It’s one of her many beautiful traits.  And whenever I drive by that strip joint, I also pray for it to close down.  The Taco Bell is fine now.

Traits Coming Up:  Transparency, Weirdness, Truth, and Service