Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hello Again

For the past few months, I've met once a week with a small group of women to work through this heinie-kicking book that encouraged us to take risks for God. There's much, much more to tell about that journey, but for now, you should know that that group is the reason I am revisiting this blog. We learned that God asks us to take risks with the gifts He's given us. Writing and teaching are two areas that make me feel absolutely alive - I believe they are indeed gifts from God. I had never considered what it would look like to a risk with either gift. One friend in the group said, "Have you ever thought about writing a blog?"

As it turns out, I have a blog. This very one that you've stumbled upon or purposely sought out today. And, I'm going to write again. I am in a wonderful and difficult season of life now and I expect the posts will reflect that reality. I am letting go of an expectation of perfection or publish-worthy material, so be prepared for work that baffles and bores along with the more inspiring pieces.

If you've read this blog before, you may notice that it has a new title. Psalm 84 is a life passage of sorts. I believe that we are all sojourners, committed to pilgrimage. By God's grace, we make the valleys "a place of springs" and "go from strength to strength". My hope is that what I write here will give you courage to keep going. To commit to your own journey with God, knowing that this will surely mean taking crazy scary risks and, at the end, finding truth. Bless you, my travel buddies. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog Brooke (neither yadda, yadda, yadda NOR blah, blah, blah)!

    Enjoyable, encouraging and inspiring, keep up the good work : )

    Look forward to many more stories from a favorite soujourner!

    Love, Aunt Rene
