Thursday, July 5, 2012

Bless Your Heart

I used to cringe at that phrase.
It tastes like it’s been soaked in condescendence.
Words tagged on to otherwise derogatory comments,
Like a light sprinkling of sugar in a glass full of vinegar.
When the sweater she knitted is misshapen,
Bless her heart for trying.
Or when a child helps sweep the floor and makes a bigger mess,
Bless his little heart.

It is funny, then, that the phrase I’ve judged
As judgmental
Is the very attitude I now find God asking me to adopt.

A sizeable room in the square footage of my thought life
Has been devoted to fault-finding,
And focus on outward appearances.

I serve an X-ray vision kind of God,
One who cares greatly about
All things internal.
He tends our heart’s wellspring,
Knowing that righteous actions will follow.

So, I want to say
To all those upon whom I’ve looked with disapproval,
For reasons that seemed quite crucial –
Not picking up after your dog, for instance,
Or you, who honked at me unfairly that one time,
And the girl at the party who looked so much prettier than everyone else,
To my own family and friends,

Bless your heart.
I choose to bless the passions and yearnings the Lord has placed there.
I ask Him to let me see you with His eyes,
That I may better pray for you,
Listen to you,
Support and encourage you.
And bless all the beautiful things He is doing
Right there in your heart.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Brooke, I'm not sure how to describe how God has used this post as a turning point in my heart, but I am changed! I desire to put off a critical attitude and put on one of blessing others. Now, with God's power at work in me, I'm determined to bless others and encourage them. Thanks for your post!
