Tuesday, December 13, 2016

It Wouldn’t Sound the Same Without You

One weekend, a year or so ago, I was visiting my parents and attended church with them on Sunday morning.  My mom is in the choir so I made faces at her when they stood to sing the offertory song.  Scanning the rest of the singers, one stuck out.  A little girl, maybe nine years old, was up there with all the adults.  I assume she was next to her mom.  This little girl with long, dark hair and a sparkly headband held a black binder of sheet music as she sang, just like everyone else.

My first thought was, “Does it even matter that she’s up there?  I’m guessing her voice isn’t strong enough to be missed if she wasn’t singing.”

God spoke up quickly, “I hear her.  I’d notice if her voice was gone.”  

I was flooded with the sense of God’s delight in this dear choir member.  He was thoroughly enjoying her one and only, made by Him, made for Him voice. 

This morning, I was at Bible study and they played a video of the Hallelujah Chorus for us to enjoy and sing.  I tiptoed out for a bathroom break.  It’s a pretty long song, so it was still going when I got back.  It’s one of those massive choir pieces that I don’t exactly know how to sing.  As I stood there, amidst women worshiping God, I remembered the little girl in my parents’ church choir.  Even with my awkward, not-sure-how-to-join-this-one attitude, I knew that God would hear me when I gave it a try.  I sang.  Choppy and quiet, but with a heart that wanted to join not just my Bible study ladies, but the chorus of saints praising God eternally.

“And He shall reign for ever and ever…..”

I know God heard my voice. 

“King of kings…forever!  And ever!”

I know the Holy Spirit in me communicated with the throne room of heaven.

“And Lord of lords…Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!”

Not because I need the attention from God, but because He deserves the attention – the worship – from me.  Loud or soft, on key or off key, getting the words right or stumbling.  What matters is that we join in with hearts of love for our Savior.  It wouldn’t sound the same to Him if one voice wasn’t there.  

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