Wednesday, October 10, 2018

What Do You Have For Me?

In February of 2012, I took my first airplane flight with Celiac disease.  Well, my first flight where I knew my diagnosis.  Readers with an autoimmune disease will know without further explanation that this was a big, scary step.  I was flying without knowing if any food would be available for me, or if the food I was given would be safe.  I didn’t want to get sick and I didn’t want to go hungry.  You should also know that this was a trip to Uganda.  24 hours of travel, give or take.  That means Lara Bars weren’t going to be enough to keep me full the whole time.

It’s just food, right?  Well, for me, eating anything with gluten or that’s touched gluten damages my intestinal lining and brings on a host of unpleasant symptoms.  Before I was diagnosed and changed my diet, I dealt with debilitating panic attacks, lethargy, foggy thinking, and digestive issues.  That's not a list I wanted to experience again, especially away from home.

So there I was, one year post-diagnosis, boarding a plane from Seattle to Amsterdam.  I had some snacks and I had jittery nerves.  I was going to train teachers for two weeks in a Ugandan village school.  It was a dream come true.  God's fingerprints were all over the way this trip came about, so I was relying on Him to figure out the food situation too. 

When mealtime rolled around, I signaled my flight attendant and told him I had requested a gluten free meal online.  He smiled and went to check.  When he returned, he had bad news.  There were no gluten free meals flagged for this flight.  My chest began to tighten; one of my body’s early signs of a panic attack on the way.  It was a split second confirmation of my fears:  God wasn’t going to take care of me the way I needed Him to.

This is where God and I began a ritual that bonds us every time I use it.  I took a deep breath and silently prayed one question:

God, what do You have for me?

Passengers around me began peeling the foil lids off their Salisbury steaks and buttering their fluffy white rolls.  The smells of gravy and drip coffee wafted in the air.  I sat, breathed, and waited.

After all the carts were shuttled back to the plane’s galley, I saw my flight attendant pop his head out from behind the front curtain.  He was grinning from ear to ear - grinning at me.  He came bustling down the aisle carrying a tray full of food.  It looked different than the trays around me.  Everything was on pretty white ceramic dishes, not the disposable containers everyone else had. 

“Look what I found!” he smiled triumphantly, placing the tray in front of me and swooping his hand across the meal, Vanna White style.

There was a beautiful plate of fruit, a little bowl of warm (yes, warm!) nuts, a plate of grilled chicken and plain rice. 

“I smuggled it from first class.  Can you eat all this?”

“Yes!” I said, in shock, “Thank you!”

I ate my meal with real flatware, savoring every bite.  More than that, I basked in my Father’s ridiculously wonderful care for me.  As the flight continued, this flight attendant seemed to take special delight in bringing me first class snacks that were safe to eat.  Maybe food shouldn’t be so important to me, but it was a big source of worry as I was new to navigating a world full of gluten.  This meal was God’s “I love you, Brooke!"  After that, I was unshakably sure that He was going to take care of me – food and otherwise – for the rest of the trip.  And, He did.  Abundantly so.

It’s been six years since that flight, and I still ask God the same question.  Sometimes it’s a big situation, sometimes it’s something small.  The question messages to my worries that “Yes, God always takes care of you, Brooke.  He already has something good for you here.”

The other day, I was at my friend’s dad’s memorial service and I needed to feed Micah.  I don’t like nursing in public, especially since it was a full service, with lots of people on all sides of me.  The church’s “Mother’s Room” was locked.  I took a breath and prayed, “Okay, God, what do you have for me?”  A woman walked by with a coffee carafe.  I asked if there was a private spot where I could feed my baby.  She told me to follow her to this second, smaller sanctuary where they were setting up the food.  There were couches there and the sound from the memorial service was being piped in on speakers so I could hear everything.  Oh yeah, and there were big bowls of (gluten-free) potato chips all over the room.  I nursed Micah, walked him to sleep, and snacked, not missing any of the service. 

Celiac disease and my need for safe food prompted this “What do you have for me?” tradition with God, but it applies to my whole life.  I begin to look for His provision everywhere.  He always has something and it’s always something good. 

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