Now it's time to hear from Lyle:
What am I learning about God or from God in this season of my life?
As I think on this two things immediately come to my mind that apply both to what I am learning about God and from God. They would be His sovereignty and his faithfulness. As I look back at my life I can see how much of it I lived as if I had sovereign control over it and only involved God when I needed Him. The reality is that He IS sovereign and I need Him continually.
What does grace mean to you and how has it shown up in my life over the yers or in my life as a married couple?
Grace means so much more to me now than it used to. I used to think of grace only as "God's unmerited favor," which it is, but I see now that it is so much more dimensional. Just one example might help explain. If I am living in sin, I used to see grace only as God forgiving my sin and life moves forward as if nothing had happened. Now I understand that God exposing that sin is grace. If I continue in my sin it will bring destruction. His grace in exposing my sin saves me from that destruction and brings me to repentance and right relationship with Him.
Pray for Uganda:
I read Ingrid's response on this and I would very much agree. I would add that as a society that claims to be predominately Christian, that the Truth of the gospel is lived out in its fullness and not diluted in syncretism. I pray this same thing for the U.S. as well.
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