Early Monday morning, my parents drove me to the airport and we said goodbye. In the previous days, I'd asked Him for a peaceful departure so I reminded myself to watch for how He'd provide peace. I cried a little as I shuffled into the security line, then came Peace Provision A: Tarl. Tarl was in front of me in line and turned back to make general conversation, "So, is it early enough for you?" When he looked taken aback, I briefly explained my tears, then encouraged him to distract me with a story. He told me about his work travels and we connected over our dedication to nine hours of sleep per night. The chatter was a blessing.
Later, on the plane, I had a great discussion with the woman next to me and then slept the rest of the way. Stepping into the Denver airport brought a rush of loneliness. I reminded myself that I am never alone and walked to the place where my organization would meet me. A friend I'd known in China was there and we chatted all the way to the training campus. Peace Provision B - check! The tears have not returned even once and it has been an awesome privilege to meet so many new people with wonderful stories of how they came this far.
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