Sunday, February 21, 2016

Stories For Luke: Knitting Project

I wrote this in November when I was just over seven months pregnant.  Luke was moving a lot inside me and I often meditated on verses about how God knows us in the womb.  

This is a story for Luke, so he will always know 
that he was created by a God who delights in him.

Knitting Project
November 10, 2015

Have you ever seen someone knitting?  It’s really an amazing sight.  Usually the knitter picks a quiet spot – a favorite chair, a park bench, sometimes a seat on the bus.  Next to them, you’ll notice a bag chock-full of supplies.  A tangle of yarn spills out of a bulging canvas bag and you wonder, ‘What can they make with that jumble of stuff?’  The knitter has a plan.  He can see the finished work in his mind already – even when it just looks like rainbow spaghetti to you and me. 

Watch the knitter’s fingers now.  All ten fingers have a job to do.  They work together to move those needles quickly.  It’s a
dance of stitches and loops and tugs.  The fingers know the beat and don’t get tired. 

It puts a smile on the knitter’s face to imagine the person who will enjoy the finished work.  The size will be just right.  The color and design will be unique.  This gift will be just what’s needed, right on time, wonderfully made.  For now though, the knitter is having fun creating something new.  Sitting and knitting, happy being close with his work of art.  Making the gift makes him as happy as sharing the gift when it’s complete.

Luke David,

You are that gift.  God created your inmost being – your soul, your mind, your body, and your emotions.  God’s Word says that He knit you together in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13).  God made you with so much care and love.  He made you the way you are for a reason.  God has a plan for your life and He wants to be close to you now, just like He was close to you when He was making you inside your mama.  God’s Word also says, “…from my mother’s womb, you have been my God.”  (Psalm 22:10).  God has been with you from the very, very beginning, Luke, and He will never leave you.  Let Him be your God forever.