Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Filling Every Space

Earth holds a beauty that isn't found in heaven,
In heaven, all are satisfied 
And continually fed on My glory and praise.
Earth is hungry.
Earth is thirsty.

That want is beautiful to Me
Because your want is My home.

Your desire is shaped in My shape,
My size, My brand, My I AM.
Earth's messy cry is the negative
To my positive.

You are not designed to keep 
That gaping hole of shame.
Your open wound shouts an invitation to Me.
I hear your pain like a new mother awakens to her baby's cry.
Not only do I want to fill your longing,
I AM the only One who can.

When the filth of your sin,
The hopelessness of humanity,
And the pain of how you've been wronged 
Threatens to consume you,
Invite me to consume it instead.

Your weakness and My strength
Were meant to be together.
A perfect match.
Your tears and My comfort
Were never meant to be apart.

Soon you will feel My Holy Spirit stretching
To the full space of that ugly void.
You thought you were hungry for My blessings.
You are hungry for heaven.
That's what I AM to you 
While you're here.

Name your hunger.
Meaningful work.
Now picture Me filling that space,
That ache,
That void.

Deserts beg rain,
Your pain begs My Spirit.
Say yes,
And I will fill everything.