When I thought about how to write from the Shepherd's point of view, the aspect of a Shepherd that stood out strongly was his voice. Voices are so distinctly connected to a person. Think of how many voices you could probably identify with no other sense cues. President Obama's voice, radio DJs, your family members. I always try to guess which actor or actress is speaking for the character in an animated movie. Voices can evoke feelings. Think of how you feel when you hear your loved one's voice. Voices are powerful. This is my interpretation of Jesus the Shepherd's point of view. (Thanks for reading, Aunt Rene! You encourage me!)
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My sheep,
I could yell to you,
Or I could whisper.
With sharp commands,
Gentle guidance,
Happy encouragement,
I could make my voice drown out all other voices.
I could speak over your dreams,
Tell you how I love you,
Teach you with my stores of wisdom,
Amaze you with the supernatural,
The miraculous.
You seem eager to know Me,
Your Shepherd,
But My voice will hold no meaning or strength
Until you accept and know that
This voice belongs to Me.
You know your mother's voice,
You recognize the voice of a predator,
You stop in your tracks at another shepherd's call,
But there is only one voice like mine.
When you allow your heart to know who owns this voice,
That this is the voice of the One who lays down His life for you,
My very breath will calm your trembling heart.
When I speak your name,
Your legs will carry you to my side.
I will not need to yell,
Or repeat myself,
Because you will know Me,
My voice,
Like I know you,
My sheep.